Troubleshooting nbn Wireless for No connection

If your nbn Wireless service is offline, you won’t be able to visit a website, browse, stream, or download. Email and any other services that use the internet will not work. These steps will help you identify the issue.

  1. Check your address on nbn®'s Network status and outages page or visit our Network Status page to see if there are any known issues in your area.
  2. If you have access to another device with an internet connection such as a mobile phone, log in to Toolbox and run an nbn service test. We'll contact you if a fault is detected.
  3. Find your modem and ensure it's connected correctly, with cables in good condition and plugged in securely. Replace any damaged cables.
    NBN Wireless Diagram
  4. Turn off the electrical outlets for both the nbn Connection Box and your modem and leave them off for at least 10 seconds.
  5. Turn both outlets back on and wait for the box and modem lights to settle, then attempt to view a website.

    Note: If your nbn Connection Box STATUS light is red after rebooting, please call us on 13 22 58 for assistance.
    NBN Wireless lights
  6. Attempt to view a website on a device connected to your modem via Ethernet cable, not WiFi. If Ethernet works but WiFi doesn't, see troubleshooting WiFi No Connection.
  7. If you can view websites on some devices but not others, see our guide on Browsing issues.
  8. Check your nbn Wireless antenna for obstructions such as tree branches.
    Note: Severe weather conditions resulting in heavy cloud cover may also cause connection issues.
  9. If you still can't get online, and the nbn service test did not detect a fault, or your nbn Wireless antenna has been damaged, please call us on 13 22 58 for further assistance.

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