Troubleshooting Fetch No Subscription Channels
As of 22 January 2025, Fetch services are no longer available from iiNet. Learn more.
- Visit our Network Status page to see if any known issues in your area are affecting your internet connection.
- Ensure that your internet connection is online. Fetch requires working internet to operate.
- If you see a "Please subscribe" message when you try to view a premium channel, you or another member of your household may have unsubscribed from the relevant channel pack. You can manage your subscriptions through the set top box menu by selecting Add More.
- Open the Fetch menu. You should see a "No Internet Connection" message. If you do not see this message but you can't view Fetch premium channels, please call us on 1300 701 006 for assistance.
- Ensure your Fetch set top box is properly connected to your modem
- WiFi: Confirm WiFi password is correct and your modem's WiFi is enabled.
- Ethernet cable: Confirm cable is plugged in securely and not damaged.
- Power Line Adapter: Confirm units are plugged directly into an electrical socket instead of a power board or double adapter.
- Wireless Bridge: Confirm units are paired successfully. - Attempt to view a Fetch channel.
- Turn off the electrical outlets for both devices and leave them off for at least 60 seconds.
- Turn both outlets back on and wait for the box and modem lights to settle.
- Attempt to view a Fetch channel.
- Call us on 1300 701 006 for further assistance.
Appendix - Modem compatibility
Your modem must support IPTV in order for Fetch to work. If you have a third party modem, please visit the manufacturer's website for information about its features.