Troubleshooting nbn Satellite

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Troubleshoot nbn® Satellite No Connection

  1. Check your address on nbn®'s Network status and outages page to see if an unforeseen incident or planned maintenance is affecting your connection.
  2. Check your address on our Network Status page to see if there are any known issues in your area.
  3. Check your nbn Satellite dish for obstructions such as tree branches. If your dish has been damaged, please call us on 13 22 58 for assistance.
    Note: Severe weather conditions resulting in heavy cloud cover may also cause connection issues.
  4. Find your modem and ensure that it's connected correctly, with cables in good condition and plugged in securely.
    NBN Satellite Diagram
  5. Turn off the electrical outlet for your modem and leave it off for at least 10 seconds.
  6. Turn the outlet back on and wait for modem lights to settle, then attempt to view a website.
  7. Stand next to your modem to rule out any WiFi signal issues. Move further away and monitor the WiFi signal strength.
  8. If you lose your WiFi connection in certain parts of your home, see our guide on improving WiFi signals.
  9. Attempt to view a website on a device connected to your modem via Ethernet cable, not WiFi. If Ethernet works but WiFi doesn't, see troubleshooting WiFi No Connection.
  10. If you can view websites on some devices but not others, see our guide on Browsing issues.
  11. Locate your indoor nbn Connection Box. This is most commonly installed on the inside of an outer wall of the premises, sometimes in the garage.
  12. Turn off the electrical outlet for your nbn Connection Box and unplug the POWER and SAT cables for at least 30 minutes. This time allows your current connection session to expire, forcing a fresh connection.
    NBN Satellite Connection Box
  13. After 30 minutes, plug the POWER and SAT cables back in, turn the electrical outlet back on and allow your nbn Connection Box to reboot.
    Note: If your nbn Connection Box light is red after rebooting, please call us on 13 22 58 for assistance.
  14. Attempt to view a website.
  15. If you still can't get online, please call us on 13 22 58 for further assistance.


Troubleshoot nbn® Satellite Dropouts

  1. Turn off the electrical outlet for your modem and leave it off for at least 10 seconds.
  2. Turn the outlet back on and wait for modem lights to settle. Continue monitoring for dropouts.
  3. When your connection drops out, check other devices connected to your modem via WiFi or Ethernet cable to see if they've dropped out, too.
  4. If devices connected via Ethernet cable stay online when devices connected via WiFi drop out, switch to troubleshooting WiFi Dropouts.
  5. Ensure that your modem is connected correctly, with cables in good condition and plugged in securely.
    NBN Satellite Diagram
  6. Turn off the electrical outlet for your nbn Connection Box and unplug the POWER and SAT cables for at least 30 minutes. This time allows your current connection session to expire, forcing a fresh connection.
    NBN Satellite Connection Box
  7. After 30 minutes, plug the POWER and SAT cables back in, turn the electrical outlet back on and allow your nbn Connection Box to reboot. Continue monitoring for dropouts.
    Note: If your nbn Connection Box light is red after rebooting, please call us on 13 22 58 for assistance.
  8. Check your nbn Satellite dish for obstructions such as tree branches. 
    Note: Severe weather conditions resulting in heavy cloud cover may also cause connection dropouts.
  9. If you still experience dropouts or your nbn Satellite dish has been damaged, please call us on 13 22 58 for further assistance.


Troubleshoot nbn® Satellite Speed Issues

  1. Visit our Network Status page to see any known issues in your area that may be affecting your service speed.
  2. Turn off your modem and leave it off for at least 10 seconds.
  3. Turn your modem back on and wait for the modem lights to settle.
  4. Run a speed test.
  5. Do you have any devices connected to your modem with an Ethernet cable? If speeds on these devices are fine but devices on WiFi are slow, switch to Troubleshooting WiFi speed.
  6. Unplug all other devices connected to your modem's Ethernet ports (except the device you are testing, if applicable).
  7. Turn off or disconnect all other devices connected to your modem's WiFi (except the device you are testing, if applicable).
  8. If you are testing on a device connected via Ethernet cable, unplug it from your modem and plug it into the active UNI-D port on your nbn Connection Box. The most common active port is UNI-D1:
    NBN Satellite UNI-D1 port
  9. On the device you are testing, close all programs that are using your broadband connection, then run a speed test.
  10. If your speed has improved on a single device, you may need to upgrade your nbn plan to provide the bandwidth necessary to support more programs and/or devices. You can change your plan in Toolbox or call us on 13 19 17 to discuss.
  11. Make sure your modem’s Ethernet cables are in good condition. Replace any damaged cables.
  12. Perform a scan on your antivirus/anti-malware software. If any infections are detected, make sure they are quarantined and removed. Please contact your software’s Customer Support if you need assistance.
  13. Firewalls may affect broadband performance. Temporarily disable any firewalls and run a speed test.
  14. Check your nbn Satellite dish for obstructions such as tree branches. 
    Note: Severe weather conditions resulting in heavy cloud cover may also cause speed issues.
  15. If you still experience speed issues or your nbn Satellite dish has been damaged, please call us on 13 22 58 for further assistance.


    nbn® Satellite Connection Box Status Lights

    The nbn Satellite Connection Box has just one status light on the front of the modem which changes colour to indicate certain states:

    Light colour State Meaning
    No light Off No AC power supply. Please ensure the Connection Box has power.
    White Solid Initial power-up. Wait for Connection Box to finish powering up.
    Flashing Connection Box is attempting to connect to the network. Wait for the connection attempt to finish.
    Blue Solid Connection Box is online.
    Flashing Indicates network activity on a successful connection.
    Yellow Solid Connection Box is in sleep mode.
    Flashing Connection Box is in installation mode. Wait for installation to complete.
    Red Solid The Connection Box needs to be rebooted. For a quick reboot, simply use a pen or paper clip to press and release the RESET button on the back of the Connection Box. If the light remains red after rebooting, please call us on 13 22 58 for assistance.
    Flashing May indicate a fault. Please call us on 13 22 58 for assistance.


    NBN Satellite status light

    UNI-D Indicator lights

    In addition to the main status light, each of the four UNI-D ports on the side of your nbn Satellite Connection Box has a light to indicate internal Ethernet networking speed. Please note that this is the transmission speed between the nbn Satellite Connection Box and the computer or router connected via Ethernet, not your overall broadband speed.

    • If the green light is lit, this indicates a 100/10Mbps internal network speed, meaning a CAT5 Ethernet cable has been used. The light may flash during network activity.
    • If the yellow light is lit, this indicates a 1000Mbps internal network speed, meaning a CAT5e or CAT6 Ethernet cable has been used. The light may flash during network activity.
    • If both lights are out even though the Ethernet cable is connected at both ends and both devices have power, this may indicate that the UNI-D port is inactive, or a fault with the Ethernet cable. Try another Ethernet cable. If the issue persists or you're not sure which UNI-D port to use, please call us on 13 22 58 for assistance.

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