Change your account password in Toolbox

Please enter your Customer ID number.

This will allow us to provide information that's relevant to your services.

You will be able to find your Customer ID on any invoices or emails we have sent you.

Please enter your Customer ID.

If you don't have your Customer ID handy, just let us know what your Toolbox looks like.

This article is shown as a result of the customer details you provided.

You can change this selection at any time.

If you already know the password for your iiNet account, you can change it at any time in Toolbox.

If you've forgotten your password, please see How to retrieve a forgotten password.


  1. Log in to Toolbox and select About Me.
  2. Under "Change password", select Update password
    Toolbox change password 1
  3. Fill out the form with your Current Password, New Password and Confirm Password. Passwords must meet the requirements in our Password Policy.
  4. Select Change password to finish.
    Toolbox change password 2


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