Managing Fetch subscriptions

As of 22 January 2025, Fetch services are no longer available from iiNet. Learn more.

  1. Use the Menu button on your Fetch remote to open the menu on your connected TV screen.
  2. Use the arrow and paw icon (Select) buttons on your Fetch remote to select Add More.
  3. A list of all available channel packs and their current subscription status will be shown. Use the arrow buttons on your Fetch remote to navigate the list.
  4. Use the green button on your Fetch remote to subscribe or unsubscribe from the selected channel pack.

If you aren't able to view included channels after subscribing to a channel pack, please restart your Fetch set top box.

For more information about using your Fetch service, see the User Guides on the Fetch website.


Note for Multiroom users: You don't need to purchase additional subscriptions on all of your Multiroom set top boxes. Your subscriptions and purchased content will be shared across all set top boxes automatically, provided that Multiroom has been set up correctly. For more information, see the Multiroom User Guide on the Fetch website.

Note for legacy Entertainment Pack subscribers: If you choose to unsubscribe from the legacy Entertainment Pack, you will not be able to subscribe again in the future as the pack is no longer available for new subscriptions.

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