
Troubleshooting nbn Wireless for Speed issues

If your nbn Wireless service is running slowly, these steps will help you identify the issue.

  1. Check your address on nbn®'s Network status and outages page or visit our Network Status page to see if there are any known issues in your area that may be affecting your nbn service speed.
  2. Log in to Toolbox and run an nbn service test. We'll contact you if a fault is detected.
  3. Turn off your modem and leave it off for at least 10 seconds.
  4. Turn your modem back on and wait for the modem lights to settle.
  5. Run a speed test.
  6. Do you have any devices connected to your modem with an Ethernet cable? If speeds on these devices are fine but devices on WiFi are slow, switch to Troubleshooting WiFi speed.
  7. Unplug all other devices connected to your modem's Ethernet ports (except the device you are testing, if applicable).
  8. Turn off or disconnect all other devices connected to your modem's WiFi (except the device you are testing, if applicable).
  9. If you are testing on a device connected via Ethernet cable, unplug it from your modem and plug it into the active UNI-D port on your nbn Connection Box. The most common active port is UNI-D1:
    NBN Wireless UNI-D1 port
  10. On the device you are testing, close all programs that are using your broadband connection, then run a speed test.
  11. If your speed has improved on a single device, you may need to upgrade your nbn plan to provide the bandwidth necessary to support more programs and/or devices. You can change your plan in Toolbox or call us on 13 19 17 to discuss.
  12. Make sure your modem’s Ethernet cables are in good condition, with “CAT6” or “CAT5e” printed on them. Replace any damaged cables.
    Note: Older Cat5 Ethernet cables are not recommended for nbn services.
  13. Perform a scan on your antivirus/anti-malware software. If any infections are detected, make sure they are quarantined and removed. Please contact your software’s Customer Support if you need assistance.
  14. Firewalls may affect broadband performance. Temporarily disable any firewalls and run a speed test.
  15. Check your nbn Wireless antenna for obstructions such as tree branches. Severe weather conditions resulting in heavy cloud cover may also cause speed issues.
  16. If you still have speed issues, and the nbn service test did not detect a fault, or your nbn Wireless antenna has been damaged, please call us on 13 22 58 for further assistance.

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