Programming the Fetch Remote

As of 22 January 2025, Fetch services are no longer available from iiNet. Learn more.

The remote does not need any additional programming if you only want to use it for your Fetch service.

Fetch Gen 3 remote diagram

By using the Universal Codes for your TV and/or DVD player, it’s possible to use your Fetch remote to control your TV and/or DVD player as well.

  1. Open the set top box menu and select the Gear icon > Remote Control > Remote set up and then follow the instructions on-screen.
    Alternatively, follow the steps below.
  2. Find the right Universal Code from the lists below. There may be more than one code listed for a particular brand – if this is the case, you’ll need to try each one until it works.

    Universal codes for TVs
    Universal codes for DVD players
    Satellite: Bush - 1261

  3. Hold down the Back and Exit buttons on your remote for 3 seconds. The remote will flash twice and the backlights will illuminate.
  4. Using the number keys on your remote, enter the 4-digit Universal code for your TV or DVD player:
    - If the code is valid, the remote will flash twice.
    - If the code is invalid, the remote will flash only once.
  5. Press the 123... button on your remote to turn the number keys off, then press the remote's Power button to turn your TV off and back on.
  6. If this didn't work, try again using the next code listed for your TV brand. Once you can use your Fetch remote to control your TV or DVD player, you're all done!

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