Ultra Broadband VDSL2 FAQ
Here's everything you need to know about iiNet Ultra Broadband VDSL2.
Select one of the links below to jump to a query:
- Where is Ultra Broadband VDSL2 available?
- What do I need for an Ultra Broadband VDSL2 connection?
- What happens when Ultra Broadband VDSL2 is installed?
- Will my medical alarm, security alarm, EFTPOS machine or fax machine work on the VDSL2 network?
Where is Ultra Broadband VDSL2 available?
iiNet Ulta Broadband VDSL2 is only available in the ACT. You can check your address on our website.\
What do I need for an Ultra Broadband VDSL2 connection?
We'll provide an iiNet modem. If you'd like to use the included VDSL2 Phone service to make calls over the internet, you'll need a VoIP-compatible phone to plug into your modem.
Some premises may also require a Network Termination Unit (NTU). If this is the case, we’ll supply this to you without charge. The NTU remains the property of iiNet and should not be removed from the premises once installed.
Note: You must use the iiNet modem to get online. You can connect your own WiFi router to the iiNet modem if you want to.
What happens when Ultra Broadband VDSL2 is installed?
If a VDSL2 installer is required to visit your premises, we'll be in touch to book a suitable appointment with you. An installation may not be needed if VDSL2 has been connected at your address before.
A standard installation normally takes up to an hour, or two hours if you're getting an overhead cable connected to your property. The installer will complete your connection and run a test to make sure you can get online.
Note: If your iiNet modem hasn't been delivered before your installation, don't worry. The technician will use their own modem to test the connection, and you can plug in your iiNet modem once it's delivered.
Will my medical alarm, security alarm, EFTPOS machine or fax machine work on the VDSL2 network?
The following services may not work on VDSL2:
- Priority Assistance phone services
- Fax machines
- EFTPOS or vending machines
- Back-to-base VPN
- Monitored security alarms
- Dial-up security cameras
- Digital Pay TV
Please contact your service provider to make arrangements before you order VDSL2. It may be possible to switch to an alternative service that does work with VDSL2.
Please note: iiNet does not offer a Priority Assistance service. If you are a Priority Assistance customer, please consider this before you order.