Introduction to Toolbox

Please enter your Customer ID number.

This will allow us to provide information that's relevant to your services.

You will be able to find your Customer ID on any invoices or emails we have sent you.

Please enter your Customer ID.

If you don't have your Customer ID handy, just let us know what your Toolbox looks like.

This article is shown as a result of the customer details you provided.

You can change this selection at any time.

This article will explain the basics for Toolbox, our online account management tool.

Select one of the links below to jump to a query:

  1. Go to Toolbox or select Toolbox on the Menu bar once you’re on the iiNet website.
  2. Log in with the username and password for your iiNet account. A one-time passcode will be sent to the mobile number in your account’s contact details.
  3. You can retrieve forgotten passwords at
  4. If you can't log in or receive the one-time passcode please contact us. After confirming your identity, we can help you access your account.


After logging in, you'll see the default Actions menu on the left-hand side of the page. This menu is divided into four sections.


This is a fixed section that lists the following information:

Information Useful for
Primary contact name Confirming the account holder (bill receiver)
Broadband username Logging into Toolbox and Webmail
Customer ID Reference number when contacting us
Amount owing Checking if any money is owed on the account
Make a Payment shortcut

This section has a drop-down menu that you can use to select which service to manage.

This selection is also displayed in the main window of Toolbox after logging in.

Additional options will display depending on which type of service is selected:

Service type Addtional options Useful for
Broadband Dashboard Quick overview of plan
Check current data usage (simple)
Check when usage resets
Add a Data pack
Check usage Check current data usage (detailed)
Check when usage resets
Check data usage history
Add a Data Pack
Change plan Check current plan details
Change broadband plan
Moving Home Lodge a relocation for your iiNet services
Settings Toggle Port Blocking
Phone/Mobile Dashboard Quick overview of plan
Check current call usage (simple)
Call History Check current call usage (detailed)
Check call usage history
Manage Call Packs Add or remove call packs
Settings Toggle Calling Line ID Blocking
Toggle Call Barring options
Toggle Call Forwarding/Diverting options
Toolbox Menu

This is a fixed section that gives you the following options:

Option Useful for
About Me Check current contact details
Update contact details
Add, edit or remove additional contacts
Change account password
Change contact preferences (e.g. newsletter subscriptions)
Invoices Check invoice history
Payment Details Check current payment details (partially censored)
Update payment details
Change the bill receiver
Notifications Check history of account notifications
Add New Service Add an additional service to your account
Linked Accounts View and manage linked accounts - learn more

Use this button to log out after using Toolbox. Logging out is especially important on public or shared computers.

The Logout button is also present in the top right-hand corner of the page.

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