Payments and Invoices

Understanding Charges & Payment Dates

Why was my payment taken before the due date? Direct debit payments are taken up to 3 working days before the due date to allow time for the payment to clear. For same-day invoice payments, please switch your payment method to a credit…

Understanding your invoice

This article will help you understand your iiNet invoice. You can download your invoices from Toolbox. If you've never logged in to Toolbox before, please see An Introduction to Toolbox.

Understanding your invoice

You can download your invoices from Toolbox. If you've never logged in to Toolbox before, please see An Introduction to Toolbox.

Understanding Charges & Payment Dates

Why was my payment taken before the due date? Direct debit payments are taken up to 3 working days before the due date to allow time for the payment to clear. For same-day invoice payments, please switch your payment method to a credit…

Make a one-off payment in Toolbox

Customers with a failed direct debit please note that payment will be automatically re-attempted once. It may take up to 3 business days for this payment to clear. If you've never logged into Toolbox before, please see An Introduction to…

Understanding Invoice Alignments & Prepayments

Invoice alignments make sure you're billed the correct rate for the exact days you had a particular plan or service. When you first order iiNet services, you make a prepayment for your monthly plan fees. This article will explain invoice…

iNet Ltd billing queries

From time to time, we receive queries about charges received from iNet Ltd, such as the example below:

Consequences of Restriction, Suspension or Disconnection

This article provides information about the consequences if we, the iiNet Group (including iiNet, Westnet, Internode, TransACT, and Adam Internet), exercise our right to restrict, suspend or disconnect one or more of your services for…

How to pay or extend an invoice in Toolbox

If you've never logged into Toolbox before, please see An Introduction to Toolbox.

Update payment details in Toolbox

If you've never logged into Toolbox before, please see An Introduction to Toolbox.