
iiNet ULTRA Broadband Cable FAQ

Where is ULTRA Broadband Cable available? The iiNet ULTRA Broadband Cable network is available in select areas across Geelong, Mildura, and Ballarat. The easiest way to confirm availability is to check your address on our website.  

Arris CM820 Cable Modem Status Lights

This article will explain the meaning of the status lights found on the Arris CM820 Cable Modem, a modem previously supplied for iiNet Cable services. nbn HFC customers who signed up before 1 March 2017 may also have this model as an nbn…

Cable Gateway Pro (EPC3940L) Status Lights

This article will explain the status lights found on the Cable Gateway Pro (EPC3940L) supplied for iiNet Cable services, which may be useful when troubleshooting.