Faulty & Damaged BizPhone Premium handset
When the same issue is affecting multiple handsets, it is unlikely that a single handset is faulty. Please see our BizPhone troubleshooting guides on iiHelp for more information.
- If relevant, please see if our troubleshooting guides for Can’t Make/Receive Calls, No Registration, Call Dropouts or Poor Audio Quality were able to resolve your handset issue.
- Restart the handset by disconnecting its power and Ethernet cables for 10 seconds, then reconnect.
- Plug the handset into an alternative electrical socket and check if the issue persists.
- Connect the handset to your modem using an alternative Ethernet cable and check if the issue persists.
- If the issue persists, make a note of the Serial number and MAC address on your handset's barcode stickers:
- Please email bizsupport@iinet.net.au with the following details:
- Name
- Contact Number
- Company Name and Delivery Address
- Handset Serial number and MAC address
- Handset Model and BizPhone number associated with it
- Replacement reason