Obtaining your call history

If you've never logged into Toolbox before, please see An Introduction to Toolbox.

  1. Log in to Toolbox and select the Phone service under Select service to manage
    Toolbox call history 1
  2. Select Call History. Calls for the current billing period will be shown by default. 
    Toolbox call history 2
  3. To see usage for previous billing periods or search for specific calls, select the plus (+) icon to expand the Show search criteria section. 
    Toolbox call history 3
  4. To search by billing period, select Invoice, choose the invoice date and hit Search.
  5. To search for specific calls, select Calls made. You have several search options to refine :

    - Date Range: Search for calls since last invoice, calls within the past 7 days, 30 days, 6 months or 12 months, or a custom date range.
    - Call type: Only show Local, national, Mobile or International calls made in the search results.
    - Duration and Period: Only show calls that were up to, or over, a certain amount of seconds minutes or hours.

  6. One or more of these search refinements must be filled our before you may hit Search.

    The example below shows a search for International calls lasting up to 5 minutes, made over the last 7 days.

    Toolbox call history 4

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